Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thoughts on the debate

Yes, I watched the debate Friday night. And, yes I watched and listened to the analysis afterward on Friday night and on several shows on Saturday night. I listened to the interviews of others who watched the debate. The outcome is clear: If you went into the debate a McCain supporter, you came out a McCain supporter. If you went in an Obama supporter, you came out an Obama supporter. If you went in undecided, absolutely nothing happened to change your mind either. My opinion, overall, is that Obama MAY have come out of this debate with a slight edge. He seemed more comfortable, like JFK in the Kennedy-Nixon debate, though McCain did not look anywhere near as bad as Nixon had. There are, what, four more debates scheduled? I'm not sure, if this first debate is any indication, whether or not anything will ever be accomplished by either candidate.

Back when the Democratic primaries were still in full swing, radio talk show hosts Rush and Sean were always commenting how Obama never did anything in the Senate, that when he was there for a vote, he always voted, "Present". Since winning the nomination, the same talkers are saying Obama has the "most Liberal voting record in Congress." McCain was/is one to mention this as well. So, is voting "Present" a Liberal vote, or were these guys just talking through their hats?

Regardless of what you think or what your ideology might be, there is only one way to change things, and that is to vote. If you don't vote, you can't bitch! And if your candidate doesn't win, you can always say of the winner, "Don't blame me! I didn't vote for him!"

Have a quality day!

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